Customer Satisfaction: Reporting Measured Results

We are happy to report that our all time customer satisfaction rating is 97% positive!

We say this not to brag, but rather to highlight an important aspect of our business — our relationships with our customers. We value our customers, and their opinions, too. Without their input and honesty, we would not be able to gauge our progress.

This report is the result of our customer interaction monitoring. Everything that is important to our business is measured. It’s important to us, because it strengthens our relationships and allows us to tighten our processes by fixing service gaps exposed by feedback.

We started tracking customer service interactions three years ago. In fact, the first ticket was June 30, 2013. Since then, there have been almost 1,900 support tickets resolved. Every interaction with our customers provides an opportunity for them to rate our reply — not just at the end when the ticket is closed, but through each and every email we send. Included in the bottom of every email are links to rate the reply. They are vital to our very existence.

This doesn’t mean that we do everything right. Sometimes we do receive requests from customers who are unhappy with some aspect of our service. This is our chance to improve our customer service; it is another form of empathy. This method of tracking customer touch points is working, so we will continue to ask for feedback, track our results and improve our processes. So far, we’re doing a good job, but each day provides opportunities to improve our business relationships.

We take every interaction with our customers seriously. Our goal is to build long term relationships with them. We are their partner on the Internet.

Scot Rumery

Business advisor, database engineer and web developer specializing in technology implementation.

I have always been interested in how things work. I’m excited about making things better and I am deeply interested in the process, taking the time to understand why and how, listening and learning. Why is something set up a certain way and what makes it work? How can we make it better?

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